"What an excellent 👌🏽 and appropriate class to offer for our teens! Communication and regulating one's emotions can be difficult for most teens including for us adults. You are definitely a gem Tewanda Shepherd to have and the resources you are providing to help assist our teens in mental heath is so imperative in order to thrive in today's world we live in!"

Greta C.

Monthly Solutions

Silver Spark

Teen Support Groups

Golden Growth

Teen Workshops

Platinum Power

One on One Sessions

"I feel so much gratitude and respect for you as a person - thank you!! I know she is different and I know it is because you have handled her and your talks with your special teenage ninja skills. She responds so well to you, and gives appropriate eye rolls when asked about your sessions, but she has been so much more INVOLVED with us and spending time and that is only after meeting with you. She feels seen and heard and I love that for her. THANK YOU. I truly feel you have done more than you know."

Mom of Teen Client